Chronicles of Metarising Episode 3 : Uniting with a Purpose

Hello MetaRising Family !

2 min readNov 6, 2023

▪️ Continued from Episode 2- Link

▪️ Chronicles of Metarising Episode 3 : Uniting with a Purpose

Chronicles of Metarising Episode 3 : Uniting with a Purpose

As the news of MetaRising’s unique approach spread, adventurers from all corners of the world joined the metaverse, united by a common purpose — to make a positive impact on the environment. Together, they embarked on quests to clean polluted rivers, rejuvenate virtual forests, and protect endangered virtual wildlife.

In the heart of MetaRising’s central city, players gathered in bustling virtual cafes, sharing stories of their environmental achievements. Collaborative play was at the core of the metaverse, as players teamed up to tackle larger-scale C2E challenges. The shared victories forged unbreakable bonds, transforming strangers into allies and the metaverse into a community.

▪️ More Information:

We’ve significantly ramped up our Saturday event schedule, and the overflowing enthusiasm from all participants fills us with immense joy. We’ve successfully organized two thrilling events, while making sure to distribute prizes to the deserving winners. As we dive into our third episode, it’s heartening to see that your energy remains as high as ever. Your collective presence and enthusiastic support are the driving force that encourages us to organize these events in future. We’re truly grateful for your unwavering support, and we’re thrilled to have you with us on this journey. Keep an eye out for exciting updates on the numerous upcoming events in the weeks ahead. Your enthusiasm fuels our dedication, and together, we’ll create unforgettable moments and experiences for all to cherish.

Don’t forget to participate in the contest based on the Episode 3 of Chronicles of Metarising on this Saturday and also invite your friends as well.

Thank you !

▪️ Official Links-

