MCT Token Allocation Update

2 min readAug 10, 2021


MCT Token Metrics has been updated recently.

The schedule for lock-up and vesting of MCT tokens has been updated for transparency, continuous growth and development, and stable company operations.

* Changes made:

Marketing: Was 100% unlocked -> Now 50% unlocked, with 50% 8-month lockup, and 36-month vesting afterwards. We have locked 50% of tokens in circulation and created a slower release of tokens through vesting protocol.

Bounty: Was 100% unlocked -> Now 10% unlocked, with 90% 8-month lockup, 36-month vesting afterwards. We have locked up 90% of tokens in circulation and created a slower release of tokens through vesting protocol.

Core Team & Founder: Was 50% unlock in year 1 and 50% unlock in year 2 -> Now 12-month lockup, 48-month vesting afterwards. This allows slower release of tokens from the unlock date.

Early Investors & Adviser: Was 50% unlock in year 1 and 50% unlock in year 2 -> Now 12-month lockup, 48-month vesting afterwards. This allows slower release of tokens from the unlock date.

Company Reserve: Was 36-month lockup -> Now 36-month lockup, 24-month vesting afterwards. We have added a vesting protocol to allow slower release of tokens after the lockup.

SEED-BOX: With the launch of the myfarm app, upcoming seed-box staking projects, and future microtuber projects, all rewards in the microtuber ecosystem will come from this category. Tokens from the seed-box wallet will only be used within the microtuber ecosystem. 30% of all tokens in seed-box is locked permanently. 10% of the tokens will have a 6-month lockup, 36-month vesting afterwards, and the remaining 10% of the tokens will have a 48-month lockup with 36-month vesting afterwards.




Written by Microtuber

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