Microtuber on Rubic Exchange

1 min readJul 15, 2022


Our core values has imbibed constant development as an intrinsic feature, following the same, we are adding another weapon in our arsenal. Microtuber is now available to trade on Rubic Exchange.

MCT on Rubic Exchange

Link- https://app.rubic.exchange/?fromChain=BSC&toChain=BSC&from=MCT&to=BNB

Now you must be thinking that, we are already available to trade on Gopax, Pancakeswap, MEXC and CCtip so how does this new addition benefits our community?
▪️ Rubic Exchange is a Cross-Chain Swap Aggregator that enables users to swap $MCT for any other token, on and between all blockchains (Rubic takes the best of crypto and aggregates 60+ DEXs and bridges, providing higher transaction speed & security, with the lowest gas fees.)

▪️ It also has an SDK for developers so they can enable native aggregator swaps within their Dapps, wallets and website. (Add this widget to your Site/Wallet/Dapp and when users make trades on $MCT, you can receive commission! just set fee and fee receiver address on widget and add it to your site!)

