Microtuber Saponin Potato and Open term staking

2 min readMar 10, 2023


Greetings Microtubers!

One of the best advantages of being an MCT holder is ‘Easy Staking Rewards’. We offer staking opportunities to our holders with fruitful APRs. So, in this happy month of 2023, let’s fill our bags with lots of $MCT tokens, as we are back with two profitable staking pools -

1. Saponin Potato Staking

2. MCT Open Term

Platform — https://seed-box.io/

Read the details below and grab these opportunities.

Saponin Potato Staking


It starts on 10th March, 2023 and it will end on 10th April, 2023. Detailed information below

On BSC Chain (Total Pool 3,600,000)

➖ Time: 00:00 UTC, 10th March, 2023

➖ Venue: SeedBox

➖ APR: 110%

➖ Maximum: 300,000

➖ Ends on: 00:00 UTC, 10th April, 2023

On ERC Chain (Total Pool 3,600,000)

➖ Time: 00:00 UTC, 10th March, 2023

➖ Venue: SeedBox

➖ APR: 110%

➖ Maximum: 500,000

➖ Ends on: 00:00 UTC, 10th April, 2023


It starts on 10th March, 2023 and it will end on 10th June, 2023. Detailed information below

➖️ Time: 00:00 UTC, 10th March, 2023

➖️ Venue: SeedBox

➖️ APR: 9%

➖️ Max. Stake : 2000000

➖️ Ends on: 00:00 UTC, 10th June, 2023

Happy Staking!

Stake now, so you don’t miss out on your rewards.

