MicroTuber X Dream Idea Soft
Strategic Partnership Between MicroTuber and Dream Idea Soft
News Source: KSM News http://www.ksmnews.co.kr/default/index_view_page.php?part_idx=1&idx=383658
MicroTuber Corporation (An agricultural company), signed a strategic business agreement (MOU) with Dream Idea Soft Co. Ltd. (A developer specializing in metaverse), for mutual business cooperation in metaverse and blockchain technology, the core of the ICT industry.
Currently, both the companies are jointly developing the NFT-based Clean to Earn (C2E) metaverse platform MetaRising, which is based on agricultural development and environmental protection. Dream Idea Soft is in charge of metaverse development, and MicroTuber is in charge of blockchain development in the platform.
Clean to Earn (C2E), a new concept introduced in MetaRising, is a way for players to enter the MetaRising platform and run “Clean to Play,” a variety of environmental activities and educational content, to reduce carbon emissions in the real world and receive compensation for MCT (MicroTuber) coins.
In future, MicroTuber and Dream Idea Soft plan to carry out various projects in the ICT industry based on their technical skills and know-how.
DreamIdeaSoft- https://dreamideasoft.net/
MetaRising Official links
Telegram- https://t.me/metarising/
Website- https://metarising.io/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/playmetarising/
Microtuber Official Links
Website- https://microtuber.io/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/micro_tuber/
Facebook- https://facebook.com/MicroTuber/
More Info on
CoinGecko- https://www.coingecko.com/coins/microtuber
Coinmarketcap- https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/microtuber/