Monthly Report (2021.04 ~ 2021.05)
- CoinMarketCap Listing
- CoinGecko Listing
- Buyback & Burn 2nd Event
- Conflux X MicroTuber AMA
- 2nd Admission Event Airdrop
- Blockchain-based agricultural marketplace development “My Farm” — AWS and server database installation
- 4th Marketing bounty event
- Partnership with Seoul & Gyeonggi-do Eco-friendly Competition Winner (Farms King) for organic fertilizer (technology exchange and equity exchange)
- MicroTuber smart farm research lab setup
- MicroTuber ginseng cultivation in smart lab setting
- Cambodian Culture Center Partnership
- Sponsored World Supermodel Event
- Established Singapore Corporation (preparing to enter the global market)
- Site expansion in Tiger Mountain Center, Texas, USA
[In Progress]
- Blockchain-based agricultural marketplace development “My Farm” — Backend, Frontend, MCT token deposit and withdrawal system development
- 2nd Staking Event (prep)
- MicroTuber Saponin trademark
- MicroTuber saponin component test request (Chungnam University Agricultural Science Research Institute, Dongmyeong Life Sciences Institute)
- Strategic alliance between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan ASF
- Strategic alliance with the Russian Veterans Association
- Contract farm for test plot of seed potatoes at Honolulu, Hawaii and Big Island, Hawaii
- MCT price integration to MCT Etherscan page from CoinMarketCap