Monthly Report (2021.06 ~ 2021.07)
Monthly Report for June and July.
- Microtuber website — Korean language support
- Blockchain-based agricultural marketplace development “MyFarm” — backend, frontend, MCT token deposit and withdrawal system
- Microtuber rice — saponin test inspection and comparison to regular rice
- Microtuber saponin trademark registration
- Coinmarketcap MCT token price integration to Etherscan Block Explorer
- Metamask MCT price integration
- 3rd admission event — airdrop
[In Progress]
- Blockchain-based agricultural marketplace development “MyFarm” — alpha test, beta test
- 2nd Staking Campaign (Sprout Ginseng)
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Staking Campaign preparation
- Microtuber Saponin Rice Packaging Design
- Microtuber Saponin Instant Rice — Testing, Development, Manufacturing & Design
- Microtuber Saponin Potato Harvesting and Distribution
- Selection and Development of new Microtuber Saponin Agriculture Items